Ben & Jerry's Is Giving Us A Whole New Way To Eat Ice Cream This Week

Photo: Courtesy of Ben and Jerry's.
For the past few years, Ben & Jerry's has come up with creative ways for stoner and non-smokers alike to celebrate 4/20. This year, the ice cream company is continuing that streak. No they're not churring up a new marijuana-infused flavor and calling it Banana Spliff, though that would be clever. Nor are they releasing strains of ice cream flavored weed. Instead, the company is taking a stoner's favorite compact meal, tacos, and doing what it does best, transforming them into ice cream form. Starting this Thursday, April 20, Ben & Jerry’s will introduce the CHILL-aco. It is literally a beloved chilly treat in the shape of a taco.
The Chill-aco will be made with two scoops of any Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors your heart desire. As if that weren't enough, the two scoops will be nestled inside two crunchy waffle cones layered in the shape of a taco shell. Between the two cone shells is a coat of gooey caramel. Of course, a taco is never complete without a few delicious toppings, and this sweet taco is no exceptions to that rule. On top of the scoops, there will be a drizzle of fudge and cookie crumbs sprinkled over it all.
Hardcore B&J's fans may recognize the Chill-aco as a new interpretation of the BRR-ito, which was offered at Scoop Shops last year. What makes this year's 4/20 treat stand on it's own however is that layer of caramel between the two waffle cone shells. Alison Gilbert, the senior brand manager for global Scoop Shop said in a recent press release, "The crunch of the taco, the layer of the caramel, and the smoothness of the ice cream makes it the ultimate snacking experience." Given Ben & Jerry's impressive track record when it comes to ice cream creations, we definitely believe that, but we still can't wait to try it for ourselves. The Chill-aco will be available at participating Scoop Shops for a limited time starting on April 20. Regardless of whether you usually observe the holiday, you're definitely not going to miss the chance to try this 4/20 treat.
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