Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner Appeared On Gossip Girl

Photo: Grant Lamos IV/Getty Images.
Given that our current president has an illustrious pop culture history, the present has become a bit of a treasure hunt, poking around for remnants of Donald Trump's career in entertainment. And according to new research published by the sleuths over at BuzzFeed, it's not just The Donald who's made appearances on television and movies — this family is an industry, and that means Ivanka Trump has also dipped a pedicured toe into the thespian arts. The first daughter is known to be more private than her ever-tweeting father, but she did make one crucial television appearance in 2010: She and her husband Jared Kushner appeared on Gossip Girl.
Like many celebrity cameos on television shows, the scene is brief. Blink, and you'll miss Ivanka's trademark blonde hair. But it's her, no doubt. The two appear at a party for The New York Observer at which Serena Van Der Woodsen (Blake Lively) is looking wistful next to a cocktail.
"Thank you, Jared, and thank you, Ivanka, for marrying Jared and giving someone else the chance to win Bachelor this year," Colin Forrester (Sam Page), billionaire professor and love interest for Serena, says. (He's just won "Bachelor," a fictional high-society honor in the GG-verse, in place of Jared Kushner. This is all great for him, but not so swell for Serena, who is lovelorn. Ah, Gossip Girl. What drama!) The camera briefly pans over to Ivanka, and Jared gives his fictional peer a handshake.
Sadly, this is Ivanka Trump's first and last appearance on a scripted show. The president's daughter, 35, has appeared as a guest judge on Project Runway and as a judge on her father's show The Apprentice. In addition, she hosted the Miss Teen USA Pageant in 1997. These days, the credits on her IMDb page have tapered off. Why, you ask? Oh, because she's taken on the role of pseudo-first lady/special advisor/most nebulous job-holder in the Trump administration. Her official title, revealed in late March, is "special assistant to the president." She herself described her role as "unprecedented" and explained in a statement to The New York Times that she would be "voluntarily complying with all ethics rules."
Trump's husband, Jared Kushner, has an equally befuddling role at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. He's a "senior advisor," which so far means he actually has a slew of important responsibilities, one of which is brokering peace in the Middle East. Unlike some other White House officials, Jared and Ivanka are elusive — we can't really figure out their political affiliations.
"Is Ivanka really the moderating influence that people claim, and what in Jared's background justifies such a gigantic White House portfolio?" comedian John Oliver wondered on his show Last Week Tonight.
Ah, to return to the days when our only thought of them came during a wink-to-the-camera cameo on a popular teen show.

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