The One Thing Preventing A Bridesmaids Sequel From Happening Any Time Soon

Photo: Alamy
Bridesmaids, of all movies, seems ripe for a follow-up. The film launched the stars of Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, and Melissa McCarthy. It's kind of strange that we haven't heard any rumblings about a second film. But director Paul Feig says not to expect a Bridesmaids sequel any time soon.
Still, it's not unreasonable to think one has been discussed. After all, interest in the movie is still high. We're still learning Bridesmaids facts, we've talked about the spiritual successor to the film, and Wiig's even directed a movie.
But Wiig is apparently the one preventing a Bridesmaids sequel from happening, Feig said at the Tribeca Film Festival.
“It’s really up to Kristen, but also, sequels are dangerous," Feig said. "People always say they want a sequel to Bridesmaids but the whole reason that movie worked was [Kristen Wiig’s character] is a mess and she learned how to repair her life, so you can’t do a sequel and she’s a mess and has to repair her life again. And people tend to think the artifice around all that is what made the movie great, but it was really that emotional journey. And, so, you almost kind of have to be careful of it.”
He's right. Comedy sequels are nearly always trash. Comedies rely on the element of surprise and shock to work. That's why The Hangover is (semi-)watchable and you can barely even make it through the credits of the subsequent films.
Better yet, the cast should reunite in another movie. That, we'd watch.

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