Men Were Angry Lena Dunham Was Confident In Her Own Naked Skin

Photo: Erik Pendzich/REX/Shutterstock.
People always want to know Lena Dunham's secret to being comfortable in her own skin. "You're so brave! Where do you get your confidence?" they'd say, not realizing that it's inherently rude to marvel at someone's confidence; while meant as a compliment, it implies that the person shouldn't have confidence in their appearance. And Lena Dunham, whose body became a hot topic of conversation every time she appeared nude on Girls, is one woman who never really knew how to answer that question.
The Girls star and her co-creator Jenni Konner addressed the issue in retrospect during a discussion about the just-ended series with America Ferrera at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York this week. "In the third season, a reporter from The Wrap raised his hand at [a press conference] and asked ‘Why do you show your body so much?’ And I had a rage spiral," Dunham said, as reported by The Huffington Post. People were either confused or mad about Dunham's self-confidence in doing nude scenes. “Men, generally, were very angry that she felt comfortable showing her body,” Konner explained.
But Dunham herself has always been at peace with her body. “I think people were so ready to believe that I was, like, jumping past some massive hurdle in order to get naked on television. [But] that’s not where my fear lies. If that’s what scared me, I wouldn’t do it every week.” She added, “I’ve always been like Rihanna to myself. Like, I just have a great time with my own body,” the actress explained.
What a fantastic life philosophy: worship yourself the way your worship Rihanna. How have we never thought of this? Here's another tip: love and accept your body the way Lena does.

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