We're lucky if we find counter space in our tiny New York City bathroom that we share with three Craigslist roommates. The thought of a full vanity, in a bedroom that would allow space for said vanity? It doesn't exist in the five boroughs — but it's certainly in our dreams.
One lucky Reddit user maddawg66 not only has a vanity, but a damn near work of art at that. In five days, she singlehandedly transformed her plain white makeup table into a replica of Vincent van Gogh’s "The Starry Night," complete with yellow drawer pulls. And Reddit is losing it over the transformation, with more than 3,000 up votes and counting.
Many have commented on her post, telling her that she should turn this talent into a business. "I would pay you a sh*t ton of money to paint mine in a similar fashion," one said.
According to the artist, she used Galleria Acrylic paints and a clear indoor varnish — and she probably could have finished it sooner. “[It took five days] mostly because I am a perfectionist who would stare at tiny details for a really long time,” she said in a comment.
We’ll be over here patiently waiting for an Etsy link to shop her vanity designs. Who knows? Maybe we'll have moved to the suburbs by then.
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