Two University of Kentucky students are definitely getting an F on an upcoming test — but, if it makes them feel any better, we’ll give them an A for creativity. Junior Henry Lynch II and sophomore Troy Kiphuth didn’t feel like studying for an upcoming statistics exam, so they decided to (literally) drop into their professor’s office to steal a copy of the test.
Here’s how it went down: at approximately 1:30 a.m., Lynch climbed through the building’s air ducts to get into the office of their instructor, John Cain. This part of the mission was successful. Lynch unlocked the door and let Kiputh inside so they could get their hands on that test. Unfortunately for them, Cain was working late — he’d just stepped out for a late night snack at the time of office invasion.
When Cain returned, he couldn’t get into his office thanks to the aforementioned intruders.
“[Cain] yelled out that he was calling the police and then the door swung open and two young men ran down the hallway,” University of Kentucky spokesman Jay Blanton told
When the police arrived, the intrepid test-stealers were arrested and charged with third-degree burglary. The university hasn’t yet made a decision about disciplinary action, but the future doesn’t look bright — especially because Lynch has successfully stolen three past exams using the very same air duct tactics.
Call us boring, but staying in for the night and actually studying for the test would have been way less of a hassle than spending the evening in lockup.
And, uh, not to kick Lynch and Kiphuth while they’re down, but potential employers have a habit of Googling applicants — and this story makes for one heck of a first impression.