Martha Stewart Really Hates Trump's Twitter

It’s no secret: Martha Stewart is not a fan of Donald Trump and the 45th U.S. president more than likely feels the same way about her.
Though it seems Stewart has a new gripe with the man also known as our tweeter-in-chief. In an interview with BuzzFeed, the 75-year-old domestic guru, admitted that she was perplexed by the way Trump uses Twitter.
“It's used by the president so strangely,” she said. Don’t be fooled by the generation gap between Stewart and the average millennial-aged Twitter demographic. With 3.7 million followers, Stewart’s Twitter game is undeniably strong. In fact her tweets are so epic they’ve sparked headlines. When it comes to media — in whatever iteration — the woman knows her stuff. Which is why she has strong feels about the way Trump uses it.
“I don't think it's a tool for that kind of information,” she said about Trump’s tweets. “It was so good for news breaking and for, again, taking the temperature of a conundrum or a challenge or something. I still use it for that…Every now and then I almost forget to use Twitter because of the president, basically. But I still support Twitter,” she continued.
We feel you, Martha.
Last week Stewart instead of tweeting 40 characters, Stewart shared her anti-Trump feels with a photo posted on Instagram. In it she’s shown between two photos, one of Trump one of Snoop Dog. She points a middle finger toward Trump and a peace sign towards her co-host.
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