Gmail Is Finally Bringing One Of Its Best Time-Saving Features To Your iPhone

Courtesy of Google.
Even if you've got inbox zero down, you're probably aware of how time-consuming it can be to not only answer all of your existing emails, but also all the emails that come in response to your replies. Five messages can quickly pile up to 10, then 20, and so on until you're buried in an insurmountable email avalanche.
But the expansion of one Gmail feature should make firing off speedy, relevant, and grammatically correct responses much easier. Today, Google announced that it is expanding Smart Reply, which has been available for Allo, Google's messaging app, and Inbox by Gmail, to Gmail on iOS and Android.
When you open an email, Smart Reply uses machine learning to suggest three responses that you can choose from. These are similar to the "quick responses" that are suggested on your iPhone when you aren't able to answer an incoming call. Just like those, you can edit the smart reply to make it slightly more personalized.
The more you use Smart Reply, the smarter it will get, understanding the types of responses you prefer and suggesting those instead. So, if you prefer "yeah" over "yes," you'll see that replacement take place over time.
Overcoming the email avalanche feels like an Everest-level feat, but Smart Reply seems like it will get you that much closer to the peak.

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