It can feel like the world's getting crazier by the day, and fashion is no longer much of a safe space. Oddball trends that never saw the light of day off the runway previously now actually get stocked in stores, and, more often than not, go viral. And denim seems to be the hot ticket item to experience this trajectory lately: From Topshop's clear jeans to Vetements' "butt jeans," nothing is off limits when it comes to garnering the most attention at Fashion Week and now, Opening Ceremony is the latest to join the pack.
The New York retailer is selling a pair of Y/Project detachable short-jeans for a cool $425 to solve any impending weather woes that lie ahead. And yes, they're exactly what they sound like: Essentially, they're shorts with attachable jean legs, just in case you'd like to wear them as pants, instead of carrying another pair with you. But this pair comes with an added bonus, compared to a few sweaty drawbacks with its predecessors. Due to the detachable option, it comes with upper thigh and lower booty cleavage, which seems to be quite the trend these days, thanks to the likes of Re/Done and the Kardashians.
When you think about it, detachable short-jeans actually sound pretty cool, like a brilliant idea you might've thought of ages ago that never came to fruition. Hell, who knew someone would invent jeans that charge your phone? Or denim that moisturizes your legs? Jeans that can turn into a pair of hotpants seems all too futuristic, and, hey, we can't say we don't appreciate the option. But, we're not entirely convinced...
Now, there's nothing necessarily impractical about the novelty denim item, per se, but they are a small part of a larger conversation that needs to be had. Since vintage denim is the new luxury denim, and that old-meets-new business is at an all-time high, why are retailers trolling us with all of these otherworldly denim styles? Since when was it uncool to just wear regular jeans? Or ripped jeans? Skinny? Boyfriend? Jorts? We're strong believers in wearing whatever you want, of course, but we're not quite ready to let go of our pretty straightforward, chilled-out, weekend-ready denim staples.