Here's What The Cast Of 13 Reasons Why Wants To See Happen In Season 2

Photo: Beth Dubber/Netflix.
It's certainly no surprise that 13 Reasons Why is returning for a second season. That ambiguous ending definitely leaves room for more episodes of the show, which depicts the aftermath of a high school classmate's suicide. It also gives the show based on Jay Asher's 2007 novel of the same name some creative freedom since there isn't source material for where it goes next.
Netflix has dropped clues about what fans can expect from next season, but the cast of 13 Reasons Why has some suggestions on what they'd like to see happen next. Lucky for all of us, they they were kind enough to share them with V Magazine. You may notice that the stars all have something similar in mind: justice.
Alisha Boe, who plays Jessica, said she'd love to see "Jessica's road to recovery and justice for Hannah," both of whom were sexually assaulted by their classmate Bryce.
Brandon Flynn, better known as Jessica's ex-boyfriend Justin, also wanted to see Hannah and Jessica get the justice they deserve, but he had another request. "I want to see how these young people grow up," Flynn told V, perhaps hinting that he'd like to stay on for a few more seasons.
Tommy Dorfman, who played Hannah's poetry confidante Ryan, had a list of things he'd like to see in season 2. "I’d love to see what happens with the trial, Bryce’s fate, if Jessica gets justice, more about Tony and Ryan, and if Alex survives," he said. But, he is also interested in seeing "how the school possibly learns from Hannah."
Leave it to Michele Selene Ang, who played overachiever with a secret Courtney, to leave fans with more questions than answers. While she'd love to see Courtney "grow into her own self" next season, she thinks there's a lot we still have to learn about the people on Hannah's tapes.
"I think each 'reason' will have the opportunity to explore newer facets of themselves and their lives outside of the tapes," she said, before ticking off a list of questions, "Will Jessica and Justin ever get back together? Will Bryce own up to his actions? Will Jessica tell the truth about that night at the party? What does Tyler plan to do with all of that ammunition? What will happen to Alex? It goes on and on."
It really, really does. Right now, though, the most important question we need answered is, when is 13 Reasons Why coming back? Right now, we'll have to keep waiting for that one.

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