Priyanka Chopra Wants You To Know Meghan Markle Is More Than Just Prince Harry's Girlfriend

Photo: Dave Allocca/Starpix/REX/Shutterstock.
Talk about best friends goals: In an interview with Wendy Williams, Priyanka Chopra stood up for BFF Meghan Markle after the host referred to the Suits actress as just "Prince Harry's girlfriend." While Markle may be in the news more frequently because of her relationship with the English royal, there's much more to her than who she's dating, and Chopra made sure Williams — and those watching — knew it.
"You're friends with Meghan Markle," Williams said in the interview. "Prince Harry's girlfriend."
It seems like this oversight has bothered Chopra for some time, since she was quick to add a few more descriptors that do Markle justice.
"Also Meghan Markle actress...Suits...her achievements," she said. "Just saying."
"Okay, I understand that," Williams said, but we're glad Chopra made sure. Markle has actually made quite a name for herself independently of her relationship, including speaking out of racism and women's issues.
"Wasted opportunity is unacceptable with stakes this high," she wrote in an essay for Time about period stigma around the world, and how in some countries, it prevents young women from getting an education. "To break the cycle of poverty, and to achieve economic growth and sustainability in developing countries, young women need access to education. When we empower girls hungry for education, we cultivate women who are emboldened to effect change within their communities and globally."
She's also written about being biracial for her (now closed) website, The Tig, and how that affects her when she witnesses racism in her daily life.
"It makes me think of the countless black jokes people have shared in front of me, not realizing I am mixed, unaware that I am the ethnically ambiguous fly on the wall," she wrote on her site, later adding, "To Martin Luther King Jr., to Harvey Milk, to Gloria Steinem and Cesar Chavez, to my mom and dad for choosing each other not for the 'color of their skin but the content of their character,' to all of you champions of change: Thank you."
Maybe next time you introduce Meghan Markle, point to powerful statements like that.

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