Strong Opinions Loosely Held
The Sad Truth About Why We're STILL Fighting For Reproductive Rights

We take a look at the ingrained reasons why the patriarchy cannot let the argument over reproductive rights, and women's autonomy over their bodies, die.

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If you've been watching the news lately, you've heard a lot about the Trump administration's latest budget proposal, "A New Foundation For American Greatness." While lawmakers across the aisles have condemned this legislative initiative as dead-on-arrival, Trump's budget nevertheless provides confirmation of the White House's cruel indifference to the needs and rights of women.
From its unprecedented ambition to defund Planned Parenthood to its nominal gesture towards establishing a national paid family leave policy (the U.S. is the only developed nation without one, FYI), this harrowing vision of the future reads like an anthem to an ingrained patriarchal structure that has sought to control women and their bodies for decades.
The issue of reproductive rights, is, of course, inextricably bound to women's power to achieve economic and financial freedom outside traditional gender roles (check out our interview with Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards, for more on this). And by cutting access to contraception, preventative care, and abortion, the Trump administration's budget reinforces women's dependence on government programs to traditional family structures.
Feeling mad as hell? Check out the video above to learn more about why patriarchy just can't let the issue of women's healthcare go. We're hoping you'll feel inspired to call your representatives to make your voice heard. Remember: the future is female.
Why Is Women Reproductive Rights A Big IssueReleased on May 26, 2017