No Scrubs: The Benefits Of Dry Body Brushing

Dry brushing isn't something that we'd usually factor into our daily routine. When we have 10 minutes to hop in and out of the shower before gulping down a coffee and catching the bus, our morning ritual doesn't extend much further than shampoo, conditioner, body wash and face wash.
However, when we find something that has positive, lasting effects, we're all ears. If you've already been using body scrubs, dry brushing is your new (and improved) blood-pumping, skin-smoothing bathroom best friend.
Natalie Viklund and Marie Hansen, founders of Aevi Wellness, talk us through the health and beauty benefits of dry body brushing. Say hello to glowing, smooth skin – just in time for spring. Why they love body brushing, below.
Stimulates the lymphatic system
"Dry body-brushing speeds up the transport of oxygen to the body's cells and tissue, aiding the lymph nodes, ducts, and vessels in the detoxification of the blood. Through stimulating the normal lymph flow within the body and helping to detoxify it naturally, dry body brushing suppresses the formation of cellulite, varicose veins, and skin discoloration."
Exfoliates your skin
"Helping to exfoliate and eliminate clogged pores and ingrown hairs, the process of running a firm, natural bristled brush over the skin helps loosen and remove dead skin cells, naturally exfoliating the skin. After a few sessions, skin appears softer, more supple and gently exfoliated. Additionally, through eliminating clogged pores, skin is consequently able to better absorb the nutrients your provide it in the form of your skin care."
Increases energy
"Use in the morning before showering for an all-natural energy boost to rival your morning coffee. Dry body brushing stimulates blood flow and circulation, energizing the body, mind, and skin. We would advise not to body brush before bed or in the evening for this reason!"
Quick tips
1. Always brush towards the heart, starting under your feet and from there, moving upwards.
2. Use long, straight, smooth strokes to match the sensitivity of your skin. Listen to your body.
3. As you are stimulating the body to release toxins, you’ll double up on the detoxifying effects if you drink plenty of clean water thereafter.

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