This Month's Full Moon Might Be A Shock To Your System

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June's full moon, known as both the Strawberry Full Moon and the Strong Sun Moon, will reach its peak this Friday, June 9, at 9:10 a.m. EST. After the May full moon, which urged us to practice caution, this month's full moon will imbue us with a renewed sense of energy and purpose.
As the summer solstice approaches, the days get longer and the urge to make the most of all that extra sunlight rises. In fact, even this month's full moon celebrations revolve around our daylight hours: Whether you perform a full moon ritual or simply hang out with friends on the patio, you're encouraged to spend the whole day of the Strong Sun Moon in nature, embracing the sun and its fiery energy.
If you can't make it to the great outdoors this Friday, you can still channel the sun in your personal life. Show yourself and those around you some warmth and affection — a little care goes a long way and will pay off when you return to your tasks feeling renewed and ready to go.
According to the Astrotwins, there's yet another reason to kick your life into high gear now. This year, the June full moon is in Sagittarius, a sign known for its playful energy. With the Strong Sun Moon occurring in a fire sign, you'll be full of vim and vigor, just in time for the summer season to begin. Ignore anyone who wants to dull your shine and proceed with your plans at full speed. After treading lightly through May's full moon, it'll be freeing to feel a little reckless.
For those of you who checked out at the word "reckless," have no fear: This month's full moon doesn't have to be a free pass to act rashly. More accurately, it's the nudge some of us might need if we've been holding back in an area of our lives. Under Friday's full moon, it may feel more natural for you to ask your manager those tough questions or tell your partner what you really want in bed (the full moon does have a pretty sensual reputation).
Whether you spend the June full moon on a hike or between the sheets, don't overthink your plans. Let your energy — and fiery desires — guide you.

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