The Most Ridiculous Things That Actually Made It Into High School Yearbooks

When the time to make a lasting mark on the world via your high school yearbook rolls around, you can take the opportunity seriously, share a profound quote, and taking a professional-looking picture. Or, you can mess with everyone by putting something irreverent or completely nonsensical in your yearbook. A few people on Twitter and their classmates opted for the latter choice, and we are so glad they did. The site created a "high school yearbooks can be full of surprises" moment with all the funniest and strangest photos people have been sharing of their yearbooks, and we really do have to hand it to them for their creativity.
One of the photos highlighted is of a dog's face right alongside the students' portraits. The canine in question is Katie, Utah high school student Hailee Blonquist’s service dog, KSL reports. Blonquist is diabetic, and Katie's trained to let her know when her blood sugar's off.
Katie's actually not the only service dog to pose for a yearbook this year. A Virginia student named Andrew 'AJ' Schalk is next to his dog Alpha is his yearbook.
Those cute additions actually make sense, but we're having trouble making sense of this yearbook featuring Ryan Gosling. So is the student who spotted his photo. (Not that we're complaining. Ryan Gosling enhances any yearbook.)
Then, there's this girl with a sexual innuendo in her name, and we love how she just owns it.
Another A+ yearbook quote is by Jomny Sun, a Twitter account where MIT Ph.D. student Jonathan Sun tweets as if he's an alien observing the world.
This list wouldn't be complete, though, without Beyoncé. With no explanation, one student found a photo of the singer looking badass in a yellow suit in their yearbook, because there's nothing to unite a student body like Queen Bey.
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