Katy Perry Shares The Emotional Reason Behind Her Big Haircut

Photo: David Buchan/REX/Shutterstock.
It's been a big year for Katy Perry: she dropped a new album, live streamed her life for over 100 hours, got out of a longterm relationship, and chopped her hair into what could be described as her edgiest look thus far. All in under six months.
But the craziest thing happened just a few days ago: She let her fans into a therapy session that touched on, well, everything. While her new pixie is certainly a hot trend right now, it turns out that her cut happened for a different reason.
For Perry, her series of short haircuts was not all about keeping cool in the summer or staying en vogue. Instead, cutting her hair was a way for her to connect with the person she wants to be: her authentic self, whose real name is actually Katheryn Hudson. (Skip ahead to around 10 minutes for the dirt.)
"I'm really strong as Katy Perry and then sometimes I'm not as strong as Katheryn Hudson," she said. "People like talk about my hair, right? They don't like it or they wish that it was longer. I so badly want to be Katheryn Hudson that I don't even want to look like Katy Perry anymore sometimes."
As she began to tear up, Perry admitted: "That is a little bit of why I cut my hair, because I really want to be my authentic self 100%. It hurts when I don’t feel like I can.”
There's no denying that a haircut can change your mood and mark a transition when you're going through trauma, a break-up, or anything in between — and we hope that this cut allows Perry to live her truth, because we all deserve that. Check out the full interview between Perry, below.

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