This Real-Life Haunted House Is Seeking A Nanny

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If you watch enough Ghosthunters, you'll eventually start to wonder if this whole ghost thing is for real. But you'll also probably wonder, as with any reality show, to what extent it's scripted. What's not generally scripted are job postings. Which is why this job ad may pique your curiosity — and give you nightmares.
A family in Scotland is seeking a nanny for their two children, who live in "a lovely, spacious, historic property in a remote spot with spectacular views." But there's a catch: This property also happens to be haunted, if the listing is to be believed.
"We have lived in our home for nearly 10 years," it reads. "We were told it was 'haunted' when we bought it, but kept our minds open and decided to buy the house regardless. Five nannies have left the role in the last year, each citing supernatural incidents as the reason, including strange noises, broken glass, and furniture moving. This has obviously been a period of great upheaval for our children." We're not sure if that "upheaval" is due to the revolving door of nannies or the ghost sightings, but either way, will somebody please get those poor kids out of there?
"We haven't personally experienced any supernatural happenings, as they have been reported only while we've been out of the house," the parents reassured job seekers. "But we're happy to pay above the asking rate, and feel it's important to be as up-front as possible to find the right person."
Somehow, despite this terrifying description, over 2,000 people have applied. Perhaps the £50,000 ($63,160) per year salary with 28 vacation days has lured these brave souls in. At least whoever gets the job can't say they haven't been warned. And if the rumors turn out to be true, someone's bound to make a bone-chilling horror movie out of this story.

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