This Deodorant Will Make You Smell Like Booze — In A Good Way

You’ve waited in line with hangry, hungover strangers for three hours, written five-star Yelp reviews (and a few single-stars here and there, too), raved to friends about the best eggs Benedict within a 10-mile radius, and truly believe that bacon and hash browns just taste better with a side of bottomless mimosas. You live and die by your Sunday brunch plans — and now, there’s a way to take your devotion to the early-afternoon meal to new places. That would be in your armpits.
The latest launch from Native, an indie brand that prides itself on natural, aluminum-free deodorants that still work, is called Brunch Scents, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. Rosé, Mimosa, and Sangria are all on the menu, and each one is perfumed with essential oils that make it smell almost a little too close to the real deal — so much so that you might want to skip this particular deo if you think you may have overdone it on the budget prosecco last night. The collection comes timed perfectly for the first official weekend of summer, which also happens to be the first official weekend for summer day-drinking. Coincidence? We think not.
Like the rest of Native’s deodorants, these come formulated with all-natural ingredients like coconut oil, vitamin E, baking soda, shea butter, and jojoba oil, and avoid harsh chemicals and aluminum entirely. They’re basically the most virtuous way to get your boozy fix this summer, but they still can’t save you from the toughest decision you’ll have to make all weekend: which brunch cocktail you’re in the mood for. (But let’s be real for a second — mimosas are always a good idea.)

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