Alison Brie Had To Warn Her Dad About GLOW's Sex Scenes

Photo: Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock.
Pictured: Alison Brie at the show's premiere.
We can't be the only ones ready to grab the remote and bust out a diving clothesline on our couch when GLOW premieres on Netflix tomorrow. Alison Brie's dad, however, might be the only one watching with his hands over his eyes.
The new women's wrestling comedy features some scenes of an adult nature (ahem), prompting lead star Brie to give her father a helpful heads up: Watch at your own risk.
"I've warned my dad at length," the former Community and Mad Men star, who plays struggling actress turned wrestler Ruth Wilder in the '80s-set series, told Entertainment Tonight at the show's Los Angeles premiere last night. "Then reminded him again, and then [I've] sort of given him a heads up of like, exact [moments], so I'm like, 'When you see this person, you know what's about to happen, maybe fast-forward.' So he's warned."
Tough break, Pops. Brie's husband, actor Dave Franco, got no such courtesy call. The couple were wed in March after getting engaged in 2015.
"Dave's a tough guy," she told ET. "He's fine."
He'll have to be tough; his wife's new wrestling moves are not to be toyed with.
"He's got to stay [on my good side]," Brie, who recently compared her marriage to wrestling, joked. "I put him in a head lock when he does the wrong thing."
While Papa Brie — he's actually named Charles Schermerhorn, which is Brie's real last name —and Franco may have to contend with sex scenes they'd rather not see and the threat of a full nelson, we couldn't be more pumped. Our leotards and face paint are ready to go.
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