Rihanna Slid Into A Fan's DMs To Help Him Get Over A Breakup

Photo: Marc Piasecki/WireImage.
Most of us who've left comments on a celebrity's Instagram or responded to their tweets assume that the star in question will never see what we wrote. Stars are inundated with tons of comments about everything — even the most innocuous photos will get plenty of feedback. So the chances of celebs reading them — let alone responding to them — are pretty slim.
Still, there are always a few fans who manage to capture the attention of their idols. In May, Taylor Swift sent flowers and a hand-drawn card to a fan who invited Swift to her graduation party. And last year, Rihanna helped a fan come out as gay through a series of direct messages on Twitter.
Now, RiRi is at it again. The "Work" singer helped a different fan get over a breakup through Twitter DMs, and her advice is on point. When a man sent Rihanna a DM asking how she got over her "first heartbreak," she gave a thoughtful and detailed response.
"Just believe that the heartbreak was a gift in itself!" Rihanna wrote. "Cry if you have to, but it won't be forever! You will find love again, and it will be even more beautiful! In the meantime enjoy all that YOU are!!!!"
The Twitter user, @WaladShami, shared a screenshot of the conversation in a tweet, captioning it "Thank you, I love you @Rihanna."
"It was my first relationship ever, and they ended it with me in January, but it's been really hard for a multitude of reasons," he told BuzzFeed. "I reached out to Rihanna because she's given me advice many times — she's wise 'n shit. Lol."
The fan also tweeted that he's DM'd Rihanna before. So, if you're going through a rough breakup, maybe you should DM Rihanna — you might get a response with some great advice.
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