Alysia Montaño Proves She Is A Real Life Wonder Woman By Racing At 5 Months Pregnant

Photo: Andy Lyons/Getty Images.
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Real life Wonder Woman Alysia Montaño is at it again, inspiring pregnant people everywhere. The U.S. Olympic track and field athlete, 30, made headlines in 2014 when she raced the 800m at the USATF Outdoor Championships while eight months pregnant. This time, she competed at the USATF Outdoors while only five months pregnant, NBD.
Montaño, whose two-year-old daughter, Linnea, was by her side, said she was inspired to do another pregnant run after learning that Gal Gadot filmed part of Wonder Women while five months pregnant. “I saw Wonder Woman, and I was like, I for sure am signing up for USA Nationals,” Montaño told NBC Sports. “I already was thinking I was going to do it.” She even wore a Wonder Woman top in the race.
While I was pregnant, it felt like an accomplishment if I could walk from my front steps and get into my car without help so, needless to say, Montaño's ability to compete at a level that's on par with the other, not-pregnant, world class athletes is incredibly impressive. “[In 2014] women let me know that my journey and my story had inspired them in so many different ways,” Montaño said to NBC Sports. “...that’s the most beautiful part for me, being a track and field athlete, the platform that I have, I feel so responsible to be a representative of people who don’t have the same platform, don’t have the same voice that I do."
The athlete has embraced her role as an inspiration to people all over the world. “I represent so many different people. I represent women. I represent black women. I represent pregnant women," she said. "Not everybody has the same platform that I do. I think it’s my responsibility to make sure I’m a voice and advocate for them.” She's even added "pregnant runner" to her Twitter bio and joked on Instagram that she has "some pretty awesome maternity photos from both pregnancies."
The mom-to-be showed off that sense of humor when people implied it would be easier for her to run at five months pregnant than it was at eight. “I was like, I’m still pregnant.” So, yes, Montaño's feat is still impressive, as is the fact that she competed in 100-degree heat and was 10 seconds faster than her time three years ago. Plus, she explained, “The weird part about five months is you’re still growing and like shifting a lot. So every week you have to readjust.”
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