Shonda Rhimes Slammed Cosby's Sexual Assault Seminars

Photo: Billy Farrell/Shutterstock/REX.
Shonda Rhimes has no time for what she sees as the complete nonsense coming from Bill Cosby's camp.
After his case ended in a mistrial earlier this week, Cosby announced that he would be holding town hall-style meetings to educate the masses on sexual assault.
Marie Claire reports that Rhimes tweeted her thoughts on those meetings and offered up her own version of a town hall. Naturally, she just proved that she's the queen of the here and now, pointing out just how ludicrous it is that Cosby thinks he can lecture anyone on sexual assault.
"From Shonda's Town Hall on Avoiding Sexual Assault Charges: 1)Do not sexually assault anyone. 2)Shut up-this attention belongs to survivors," Rhimes wrote.
Her succinct and simple two-part answer basically echoes everyone's thoughts on the matter. Marie Claire notes that Rhimes' focus on the survivors is important, since many of the cases have reached their respective statute of limitations, meaning that they cannot be tried. With over 50 women having come forward already, not all of them have the opportunity to speak out against Cosby.
During the announcement of the town hall meetings, Cosby representatives Andrew Wyatt and Ebonee Benson explained that the seminars weren't an admission of guilt, but an opportunity for people everywhere — the pair called out young people and husbands specifically. "People need to be educated — a brush against the shoulder, anything at this point can be considered sexual assault," Benson and Wyatt said. "It's a good thing to be educated about the law."
The way Rhimes sees it, avoiding sexual assault charges is pretty cut and dry: Don't sexually assault anyone and you're in the clear. Town hall meeting adjourned.
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