Kim Kardashian Is Being Mommy-Shamed Over Saint West's Car Seat

The internet is coming for Kim Kardashian.
While mommy-shamers have called out celebrity moms like Kelly Clarkson for offenses as minor as giving a child Nutella or letting a little girl wear a bikini, a recent photo posted by Kardashian has raised concerns that she's breaking the law and putting her year-old son Saint West at risk.
Over the weekend the reality star shared a photo on Facebook which shows her baby boy sitting in his car seat. Some followers were quick to notice that the car seat appears to be facing forward, a violation of a recent California law which states that children under two years of age must be seated in a rear-facing car seat. The catch is that toddlers who weigh more 40 pounds or are at least 40 inches tall are exempt from this law, and only Kardashian and Saint's pediatrician probably know for sure if he qualifies. It's also unclear if the photo was even taken in California.
But that hasn't stopped fans from scolding the mother of two, while others are leaping into the comments to defend her parenting.
"He is so cute, let's protect this handsome boy by making sure [he] is rear-facing," reads one comment, prompting a Kardashian supporter to fire back, "I see the car seat police are on a mission! Typical putting their nose and opinion in when it wasn't asked!"
"Didn't realize so many people had degrees in car seat positioning," quipped another fan.
Indeed, just about every possible stance on car seats and child safety is expressed in the comments section. If you're in the mood for some intense debates, scroll on over.
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