People Are Calling This Cute Couple A "Real Life Cory & Topanga" & The Nostalgia Is Real

Photo: Craig Sjodin/ABC/Getty Images.
Since the dawn of television, what generation hasn’t fawned over a fictitious TV couple?
From I Love Lucy’s Lucy and Ricky Ricardo on up to April and Andy from Parks and Recreation, a TV couple is something we hold dearly to our hearts. And when it comes to the ‘90s no couple ranked as high as Cory and Topanga from Boy Meets World. For any young kid watching Boy Meets World, this adorable middle-school couple was the ultimate “relationship goals.” This duo also pretty much screwed us up by giving us high expectations for relationships henceforth.
Though one very real couple’s story is reminiscent of our favorite TGIF couple. In a sweet Instagram post, a user by the name of the_grod_father, explained how he and the love of his life, Laura Scheel met for the first time.
"Laura and I met in preschool. One of my very first memories is of being 3 years old and standing up in front of my pre-school class, declaring that I would marry her someday. As kids, Laura taught me how to ride the swings, draw rolling hills, and the 'right way' to properly eat string cheese,” he said.
He then explained how the two later lost touch after entering elementary school. However the two lovebirds found each other once again in high school.
“It wasn't until High School that we reconnected by happenstance through a mutual friend. Within two weeks, we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend,” he said. “We continued to date through out [sic] all of High School, even though we went to different schools.”
Though the best part, is instead of meeting the breakup fate that most high school romances endure during college, the two stuck it out.
“We even stuck together long-distance while attending colleges in different states. We remained a resilient couple until May 23rd, 2015 when I decided to stay true to my preschool pledge and make Laura my wife. I proposed to her at the place it all began... our preschool classroom."
Who says preschool-aged romances couldn’t withstand the tumultuous coming-of-age challenges of adulthood? Cory and Topanga would be pleased.
Check out the lengthy, heartwarming post from The Way We Met's Instagram account below:

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