Gavin Grimm Gives Great Advice About Being Bullied

Gavin Grimm became an inspiration to people everywhere when he sparked a national conversation last year about the rights of transgender students to use the restroom in which they feel most comfortable. Though his case never made it to the Supreme Court — SCOTUS sent it back to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals — Grimm's devotion to creating safer spaces for trans youth will forever be lauded as brave and impactful.
Despite the setback, Grimm remains an important figure in the transgender community and continues to help offer guidance and support. Teen Vogue reports that last week Grimm took his advice to Tumblr during Answer Time on Action, where he offered tips on dealing with bullies and navigating through the school system, as well as answering some sillier personal questions.
Dealing with high school bullies (and bullies in general, really) is hard and something Grimm unfortunately knows all too well. So, when one user asked for advice on how to cope with being bullied, Grimm had a genuinely heartfelt response.
"It's very difficult to find a space to be yourself and feel valued when you are different from the 'norm,'" Grimm wrote. "I grew up being a bullied kid, and I found respite in a small group of close friends that i [sic] developed over time. Self love is also a wonderful armor, but it can be very hard to build up. To any bullied kid (or adult) out there — try to build some of that armor up."
Taking time to care for oneself is immeasurably important, and there are many resources available to help provide guidance and recommendations. In fact, Grimm even said in another response that in addition to meeting face-to-face with LGBTQ groups, he, too, seeks advice and support online.
As for how students can reshape harmful school policies, Grimm enthusiastically recommended contacting the ACLU and even provided a link where people can file a report.
To see all of Grimm's answers, visit Action.

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