Let Tumblr Roast Your Zodiac Sign

Believe it or not, Tumblr is home to some of the most informative astrologers out there — and, if you ask us, some of the funniest, too. Sure, their memes never fail to make us laugh, but where these astrological enthusiasts excel is in their searing-hot roasts of each sign.
For those of you who have never been astrologically roasted, brace yourselves. Armed with wisdom and keen insight into the Zodiac, Tumblr astrologers are scathing and merciless as they assess each sign for its absolute worst qualities. Roast posts are essentially sign-by-sign takedowns. Sometimes they're detailed critiques, but some of the most effective ones consist of just a single well-aimed jab.
Users might mask their roasts as "advice for the signs" or "observations about the signs," but, really, these posts are excuses for chart-reading devotees to air their grievances about anyone and everyone. No one's safe.
Regardless of what common knowledge may tell us, we all have our personal opinions about the signs of the Zodiac. Whether we care to admit it, it can be cathartic to read a roast of another sign and have our own feelings validated. And, when it comes to our own sign getting roasted, there's nothing like a little ribbing (or a whole lot) to give us that dose of perspective we need.
That said, the brutal honesty can sometimes be too much to bear — and other times these posts might completely miss the mark. But, for the most part, they offer refreshing (and hilarious) takes on some of our less-favorable habits, ticks, and personality quirks.
Check out some of our favorite roasts of the signs below. You won't read anything like this in your regular old horoscope.
(For more info on your rising sign, check out our analysis, here.)

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