This Video Of A Man Proposing Via Tattoo Will Keep You On The Edge Of Your Seat

Marriage proposals are not what they used to be. Bending down on one knee on a mountaintop just won’t cut it anymore; you need to go big. Make a movie trailer! Work it into your couples’ yoga routine. Do it at your best friend’s wedding, provided you don’t mind being a real dick about it. And if you really want to make it permanent — unlike marriage itself, which can be dissolved in roughly 90 days — you can try a proposal tattoo, and hope it works out for you as well as it did for tattoo artist Vinny Capaldo-Smith and Brooke Wodark.
“Vinny had always said he wanted me to tattoo him. Today he sprung it on me and told me it was the day,” Wodark wrote on her Facebook, alongside a video of the proposal. At first, Wodark — who is not a tattoo artist herself — thinks she’s just inking a simple heart onto Capaldo-Smith’s ankle. Then, he rolls up the leg of his shorts to reveal a new tattoo on his upper thigh. It’s an illustration of a guy and a girl holding a balloon that says “love,” followed by the question “Will you marry me?” with two yes/no checkboxes along with it.
Wodark couldn’t believe her eyes, but once Capaldo-Smith had a friend bring out a ring, she realized it was the real deal. At the end of the video, Wodark places a big, red, permanent X in the yes box, which was probably a great relief to both her now-fiancé and anyone who’d watched the video with a sinking sense of horror as they understood the gravity of the situation.
It may have been extreme, but fortunately it went more smoothly than most proposal stunts, like the famously horrifying Fenway Park proposal that made headlines all over the world. At least they could've deleted the footage of this one if anything went awry.

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