Get Ready To See Lots Of Kids On This Is Us In Season 2

Photo: Ron Batzdorff/NBC.
We can tell a lot about a where a show's plot lines are going from its casting. For fans of This Is Us, we've got a huge clue about next season: we will be seeing a lot more of Kate, Randall, and Kevin as kids on the NBC drama. Most of the actors who play the Pearson family kids and children and teens have been upgraded to series regulars, Entertainment Weekly reports.
This includes a bunch of actors. Get ready to put a lot of names to faces: Parker Bates (young Kevin), Logan Shroyer (teen Kevin), Hannah Zeile (teen Kate), Mackenzie Hancsicsak (young Kate), and Niles Fitch (teen Randall). Lonnie Chavis, who plays young Randall, has not promoted to series regular due to his commitment on another show, White Famous on Showtime. Don't worry, we'll still see the adorable Chavis on the show with his megawatt smile. We'll also see more of Annie Pearson, played by Faithe Herman, and Tess Pearson, played by Eris Baker, as they received the promotion as well. This follows earlier news that Alexandra Breckenridge (Sophie) and Jon Heurtas (Miguel) were also promoted to series regulars. At this point, this is basically almost the entire cast, which makes sense, given that it's an ensemble-driven show.
We speculate that this casting bump indicates a shift towards backstories on This Is Us and will focus on how Kate, Randall, and Kevin became the complicated, beloved characters they are today. We do know that season 2 will shed some light on the mystery of Jack Pearson's death, which presumably occurred when the characters were teens, if that funeral scene is any indication. Why does Kate still blame herself for her father's death? Knowing that we'll see more of her character during those formative years will hopefully unravel that painful story.
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