Toddler's Reaction To Her First Sip of Coke Is A Multi-Part Drama In 17 Seconds

Babies trying food for the first time is nearly always pure internet-reaction gold, whether it's to let them in on one of life's joys (see: bacon, fried chicken) or just to give them a harmless shock with a flavor they might not at first like (see: lemons). But what if something skirts the line between weird and delicious?
So seems to be the case with Evie, a toddler who recently had her first sip of Coca Cola from McDonald's. After all, habitual soda drinkers may forget that the sensation of drinking carbonated beverages can feel weird, if not downright unappealing, to the uninitiated. But also... Coke is delicious. So how's a baby to feel about all this?
The video, first shared by Evie's father, Reddit user Earthos83, contains all the drama of a multi-part limited-run TV series as Evie goes from intrigued... to overwhelmed... to weirded out... to delighted beyond reckoning. It's certainly the best possible result of sharing a Coke that we can imagine.
Evie at first recoils, presumably overcome by the sudden onslaught of bubbles. Clearly unprepared, she blinks in confusion as she attempts to process what just happened. Then, perhaps giving into the sugary rush or just unable to comprehend the new beverage, her head lolls back for a beat. Is she defeated? Has she rejected soda? But, after just a few seconds, she pops back up, grin plastered on her face, ready for more.
The father, anticipating concern trolls upset over children drinking soda, also said that the family rarely goes to McDonalds or has soda, but that he had to share since it was "pure comedy gold." And it seems like Redditors agree, with the video currently sitting at just under 36,000 upvotes and close to 700,000 views on YouTube. Let's just say that if Evie's parents chose to keep recording her reaction to the entire McDonald's menu, she has a built-in audience, ready and waiting.

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