Tiffany Trump, Jewelry Designer?

Is Tiffany Trump following in her sister's footsteps? Since becoming First Daughter, the 23-year-old has seemingly rebranded her heavily auto-tuned pop singer, Rich Kid of Instagram roots for a more polished, more Ivanka-like public persona. She's kept a low political profile, plans on attending Georgetown Law School in the fall, and faced tumultuous criticism with ease — allowing it to play to her advantage. And, she's taken up a new hobby: jewelry designing.
On Wednesday, a video of Trump modeling her homemade necklace was posted on Instagram by Blue & Cream, a Hamptons mainstay once described by The New York Times as a store that "sells expensive clothing to these young, mostly wealthy, mostly white people." Evidently, not much has changed.
The video, which has already racked up over 500 views, depicts Trump showing Blue & Cream owner Jeffrey Goldstein two different pieces: An iridescent boxing glove dangling from a single silver strand, and a chain carrying a jagged lightning bolt encrusted with purple diamonds.
But, don't expect to pick up a custom TT piece anytime soon. "We are not selling the line in our store, but as a long time customer she was excited to show off the pieces to Jeff Goldstein, the store owner," Blue & Cream's head of online, Jonah Redel-Traub, told Refinery29. "Our Instagram tries to capture the culture of East Hampton and she's definitely a person of interest right now."
Tiffany Trump jewelry isn't currently available for purchase outside of Blue & Cream either; though the Instagram caption reads "custom pieces strictly for #friendsandfamily," we wouldn't be so quick to count out the potential of a future line. As a noted longtime admirer of her older sister, it's only natural that someone picks up the Trump legacy of selling luxury accessories. And while big sis Ivanka may have been forced to step down from her own fashion label due to ethics laws, but Tiffany isn't a federal employee. (Plus, despite a continued spate of boycotts, the recently reported sales increase for Ivanka's products shows the Trump name can still turn a profit).
Sure, it may be "just a hobby" for now, but with zero conflict of interest, we have a feeling Tiffany will soon look at her pieces and see dollar signs. Prepare to see this diamond-encrusted molehill turn into a million dollar mountain.

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