Is A Date On A Glacier Romantic? The Bachelorette Thinks So

Photo: Thomas Lekdorf/ABC.
With only six contestants left competing for Rachel Lindsay's heart on this season of The Bachelorette, we'll be seeing a lot more one-on-one dates with the 31-year-old attorney and her potential love interests. The cast has been trekking around a couple of the Scandinavian countries ending last week's episode in Denmark.
In a teaser for the upcoming episode shared on The Bachelorette's Twitter, Rachel and early favorite Peter are seen meeting at a helicopter for her third one-on-one date. In the voiceover, Lindsay reveals that Peter sparked her interest from the beginning. Even so, he has not really been one of the leading men on the show up until this point. Though their romance has moved quite slowly, at a glacial pace is you will, it seems like that could change.
This week, things are starting to heat up...or rather cool down as the two go on a date set atop a glacier. Rachel Lindsay described the date she had planned for them, dog sledding through the Swiss Alps, as an "absolute thrill but so romantic at the same time."
There is a reason that shows like The Bachelor and The Bachelorette choose locations like this for dates. There is a lot of overlap between the sensation of trying something new and exciting and falling in love. According to a 2010 study conducted at Rutgers University, your body releases chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, and adrenaline when you are falling in love. Your heart races, you get nervous and excited, sometimes euphoric. These are the same physiological reactions that happen when you try something new and exciting as well. Ever notice that after contestants go off on one of these adventurous one-on-one dates that they seem instantly more in love? That is part of why that happens. Could this be why many relationships formed on reality television don't last?
We'll have to wait and see how the rest of the date goes when the episode airs on July 10; however, according to ABC, Rachel Lindsay is already engaged to one of the contestants. Everyone from The Bachelorette is pretty tight-lipped as the show hasn't finished airing, so we will just have to wait and see.
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