This Video Of A Man Getting His Hair Done Is Delightfully Hilarious

Trying to understand the difficulties that come with significant hair loss at a young age isn't easy — and it's easy to imagine the frustration some people have felt because of it. But social media star Paul Bowen is here to shed a little light on the subject in the sweetest way.
Bowen is known for his comedic videos that often poke fun at his, well, lack of hair. And if you've followed him for a while, then you'll probably understand his pure excitement the day he finally got himself a custom wig. Yesterday on Facebook, Bowen's most recent video went viral as fans from all over the world got a glimpse of his unbelievable transformation.
"Today is the day that I get me [sic] wig," he beams at the camera. "But this is like a new wig. It's not Donald Trump. This new wig... is the bollocks, apparently."
Naturally, Bowen takes us through his day prepping for the big moment, and even lets us watch as the stylist primes his scalp for the wig. "Getting serious now — super glue getting slapped on," he quips. "You won't believe this, but hair is genuinely in my eyes for first time in ears. And I'm having a haircut!"
By the time Bowen left the salon, his hair looked as lush as that of Niall Horan., and headed straight to the beauty store to pick up a long list of hair products he hasn't been able to use in years. (One employee even asked if he was gearing up to start his own drugstore, he was buying that much product.) If nothing else, the video serves as proof that hair can be transformative.
All joking aside, Bowen knows what's up when it comes to being bald and offered up even more #baldawareness, telling anyone who is also suffering from hair loss to slide into his DMs because he's always open to talk it out. Are your hearts melting too?
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