Katy Perry Is Ready To End Her Feud With Taylor Swift

Photo: Stephane Cardinale/Corbis/Getty Images.
Katy Perry is excusing herself from this narrative. Just two days after the anniversary of Kim Kardashian iconically calling out Taylor Swift, Katy Perry has something to say about the pop star, too. Don't get too excited, though, because the end of the Perry/Swift feud is fast approaching. Perry doesn't just want to end the drama, but she even says she "loves" her former nemesis.
If there's any bad blood between the two pop singers now, it's certainly not running through Perry's veins. In a recent interview, Perry had some pretty nice things to say about Swift.
"I mean, I love her, I always have," Perry said on Australia's Today Show. "We've had our differences but I just continue to say, 'God bless her on her journey.'"
Earlier this year Perry was eager to share details about their feud. She basically confirmed that her new song "Swish Swish" from the album Witness is actually about Taylor Swift in the same way that Swift's "Bad Blood" is about Perry.
Negative or positive, Perry just can't stop talking about T-Swift. She now wants to back away from the drama and spread love, even towards her former nemesis.
"I love her and I want the best for her, and I think she's a fantastic songwriter," Perry went on. "I think that if we both, her and I, can be representatives of strong women that come together despite their differences, I think the whole world is going to go, like, 'Yeah, we can do this.'"
The feud has allegedly been going on since 2012. That means we've spent five years pitting two women against each other. As much fun as it is to keep up with the drama, it might be time to retract our claws and focus on supporting women in entertainment. Leave the fighting for Game of Thrones.
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