Chris Harrison Says To Trust Him — He's Got This Whole BIP Scandal Under Control

Photo: Matt Brown/ABC.
Soon, burning questions about the mysterious incident and alleged misconduct on the set of Bachelor in Paradise will be answered. At least, that is what Chris Harrison is telling us in anticipation of the series' premiere next month. The host of The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, and Bachelor in Paradise revealed to Entertainment Tonight that he plans to sit down with Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson to discuss about exactly what happened that much-talked about evening.
"We're going to sit down with [Demario]. I don't think it'll be just part of the [BiP] reunion show," Harrison told the site during the live-taping of The Bachelorette: Men Tell All (airing July 31 on ABC). "I'm going to sit down with DeMario and Corinne as part of a sit-down talk with the two of them." This sounds like a conversation that we are more than ready to hear, especially considering that it doesn't appear that the two have really spoken since the investigation into allegations of misconduct was stopped, and his name was cleared. (Both Olympios and DeMario declined the offer to return to Mexico and finish filming the reality show.)
But, things may not go as planned. In the same conversation, Harrison admitted that he didn't like what he just heard or seen from Jackson at Men Tell All and is now unsure about how his own future segment will proceed. "Honestly, after tonight I don't know how that dialogue's going to [go]," he said. "I thought I had an idea before tonight, but I also thought we'd have a better moment than we had tonight. So, I don't know. Now I'm not really sure how it's going to be. We'll see." E.T. also reports that he used the word "surprised" to describe Jackson's "bad choices" during the taping.
Harrison then went on to make a lot of promises to frustrated and disappointed fans. (Many turned sour after seeing the first BiP promos.) "First and foremost, I think a lot of people -- some people on social media reached out and said we were tone deaf," Harrison said. "And I need people to step back a little bit, wait and watch. All will be explained. Trust me. Have I left you guys hanging before in 16 years? No."
He continued, "I need people to understand this was not a black-and-white, cut-and-dry issue. It's really -- there's a lot of layers to it. It was very confusing. I went through it and it was confusing. So, trust me. It needs to all play out."
Trust me, I'm confused, too.
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