We Made Gordon Ramsay's Fancy Scrambled Eggs To See If They're Really Better

Welcome to Celebrity Chef, a column from Refinery29 where we embark on a culinary mission to find, make, and try recipes and food hacks from our favorite stars. No flavor combination is too wacky, no tip or trick too bold, and no questionable creation goes un-tasted.
We hold Gordon Ramsay synonymous with just about every intense, nail-biting culinary moment that we can conjure up in our minds. The chef is not delicate when it comes to working his way around a kitchen — and to good cause, because his cutthroat nature often leads to tangible results. So when The Huffington Post brought our attention to the below video of Ramsay showing the Master Chef contestants a thing or two about scrambled eggs, we knew we had to get in on the action.
The video of Ramsay, although short, straightforward, and to the point, is set to a chilling soundtrack (that I'm pretty sure was featured in this past GOT episode's ending battle scene). This did not exactly excite me to make scrambled eggs first thing in the morning. But onward I pushed towards, as Gordon so fiercely put it, "nice, light, and fluffy scrambled eggs"
First, I cracked two cold eggs straight into a sauce pan with a knob of butter and then placed it on the stove with the gas brought up to high. Next, I gently stirred and scraped the bottom of the pan for 30 seconds on the stove, and then removed from the heat continuing to stir for another 30 seconds. I continued this heat rotation (back off and on again) for nearly three minutes until the eggs had set (but were still wet). Finally, I finished off the dish with a light sprinkling of salt and pepper (according to Ramsay, it's essential to wait until the end for this, unless you want gray eggs!) and a teaspoon of sour cream (unfortunately there was no crème fraîche to be found in my fridge).
After I plated the master chef's version of my favorite morning fuel, I thought it best to also make my usual scrambled eggs — in order to properly compare and contrast timing and taste. I usually start by pouring some olive oil into a sauce pan over high heat on the stove and then crack two cold eggs into the pan. I wait until they set and then swirl them around with a spatula until they have clumped together — then season and serve.
My method turned out to not be altogether very different than chef Ramsay's — minus the butter, crème fraîche, and 30 seconds heating rotations. Plus, my eggs cut the cooking method in half.
Photo: Courtesy of Elizabeth Buxton.
But, when plated next to each other, it could not be denied that the fancier eggs (pictured left) looked immensely more polished and poised than my haphazardly scrambled bunch (pictured right). And when I stuck a fork in them both, let's just say Ramsay's dish got the clean plate treatment. As he promised, these were, "scrambled eggs to die for." They were light, creamy, fluffy, perfection. And my version? Well, they were just fine — but taking that extra "intense" minute and a half in the morning to whip up something this luxurious was undoubtedly well worth it. Who knew all we really needed for improved mornings was a lesson in scrambled eggs from Gordon Ramsay?

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