Unlike the kids in my elementary school who never shut up about the time they met Mickey Mouse at the Happiest Place on Earth, I was not raised on Disney. My parents believed that most entertainment geared toward children was stupid and infantilizing and that I was “better than that,” which is how I ended up with an inflated sense of my own intelligence and a highly controversial Rocky Horror Picture Show-inspired birthday party in fifth grade.
Yet for all her conviction that watching Snow White too many times would eventually result in me becoming a stunted, starry-eyed woman-child forever in search of a prince to save the day, my mom was somehow a fierce proponent of Hello Kitty. It didn’t make sense then, and it certainly doesn’t make sense now, because while I may not be a hopeless romantic losing my shit over a limited-edition plastic tumbler at a theme park for kids, I am an adult using skin care with Hello Kitty’s face on it.
I can’t help it: I’ve really got a soft spot for the damn cat, particularly when her mouthless mug is imprinted on a fittingly millennial-pink gel mask from Peter Thomas Roth. The Hello Kitty Rose Repair Gel Mask is almost identical to the cult-classic Rose Stem Cell Bio-Repair Gel Mask, but I can tell you with utmost confidence that the Hello Kitty Rose Repair Gel Mask blows its predecessor out of the water. But how could they possibly improve upon the soothing, cooling, gloriously fragrant formula of the original? you might wonder. By putting fucking Hello Kitty on it, that’s how.
Because the three-piece Hello Kitty collection, which also includes the Rose Repair Balancing Essence Water and Rose Repair Cleansing Gel, was originally planned as an exclusive for the brand’s Chinese distributors, the products are only available stateside in extremely limited quantities. Much like your childhood, they’re going to be gone in a blink of an eye — so if you feel you’d be doing your inner ten-year-old an injustice by missing out on the opportunity, place your order now. Just don't let them in on the recent revelation that Hello Kitty is, in fact, a real girl.
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appearance by Mi-Anne Chan.