A sneak preview of The Bachelorette's season finale has given fans of Eric and Peter a chance to root for their guys. In an exclusive clip provided to Yahoo, we get a look at Rachel and Bryan's last date before the final rose ceremony. Rachel seems distant as she sips wine from a giant glass while Bryan talks about how Rachel's family seemed "a little resistant." Bryan then talks about how he felt the date was "awkward" and "a little rough," perhaps because Rachel is lost in her thoughts about the decision she's going to be making about which suitor to send home.
Indeed, a source told People that one of the breakups in the finale was "was super heart-wrenching and he’s still devastated by it. Even after they filmed the breakup, he asked producers to see Rachel again." Um, did someone pull a DeMario Jackson and show back up on set? Whoever the "devastated" contestant is, he doesn't seem to excited to see Rachel again, tell People that "he’s so nervous about seeing Rachel and even asked for one of the guys from the season to be there for moral support."
There are three firm camps coming into the finale of The Bachelorette: #TeamEric, #TeamPeter, and #TeamBryan. All season, Bryan Abasolo has been taking center stage and seemingly stealing Rachel's heart. After Bryan won the first-impression rose, the pair has gone on lots of dates together, including the trip in Sweden to buy splashy watches. #TeamBryan is definitely feeling confident that Rachel Lindsey has picked their man. This clip, however, might give them pause.
The 3-hour finale airs on Monday, August 7, and you can bet we'll be tuned in to find out who she picks.
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