These Stop-Motion Tattoos Are The Coolest Trend Of 2017

We've already seen some pretty outrageous tattoo trends this year: There were celebrities getting their birth years inked and ugly body art making a permanent appearance on purpose. Still, we've never seen anything like the latest fad reported by Mashable, which involves stop-motion animation tattoos — and yeah, it's as cool as it sounds.
Remember back when we were kids and we would create flip books out of stick figures and sticky notes? While these rudimentary stop-motion designs were a staple once upon a time, it's somewhat of a lost art now... until now. One tattoo artist is here to bring it back.

Little moving Kit-Cat Clock tattoos.

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According to Mashable, the artist is 29-year-old Phil Berge from Canada. After years of appreciating stop-motion animation from afar, he decided to integrate it into his work as a tattooist. And it's no easy feat: Berge told the publication he spends anywhere from three to four months crafting a single four-second stop-motion tattoo art. It first starts on Instagram, where Berge posts an image of a classic animation he'd like to replicate.
"I try to keep the subjects interesting to tattoo collectors," he told Mashable. "Then, people message me if they are interested and we set up an appointment to do the tattoo. People don't usually know each other."
The result? A work of art inked across a range of different people — and it looks pretty damn awesome. Think of it as a way to bridge your childhood passion of stick figure flip books with the beauty of an art museum. (Sounds like the perfect medley to us.)
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