Chris Harrison Will Be The Loneliest Host In Unusual Bachelor In Paradise Premiere

Photo: Bob D'Amico/ABC.
Next week, Bachelor In Paradise will return after nearly a year-long absence and according to Lord of the Bachelor franchise, Chris Harrison, this premiere will be nothing like what viewers have previously seen on the show.
“It’s going to be a very different season — in some ways, not great, and in some ways, I think, very interesting and very organic,” Harrison said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. The major difference is the fact that the host will appear solo, due to the shutdown that occurred after a sexual encounter between contestants Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson was brought under investigation.
“We were all very emotional at the time, and we kind of just rode that wave of how we were feeling," Harrison said to THR. “I try to explain what you are about to see. I will kind of guide you through those first few days up until the shutdown, and you will see right up until that moment where we did shut down."
Ultimately the on-set investigation into the alleged sexual misconduct claims was proven false, however, its looming presence during the filming of season 4 left a major hole in show’s production schedule. The production team and cast were sent home while investigators got to the bottom of what exactly happened.
What can we expect to see during the opening moments of season 4? The series host and co-executive producer hanging out at the (in)famous Sayulita, Mexico, humbled and alone.
Of course, the cast members and crew eventually returned two weeks later, the entire debacle impacted the way producers run the show. And apparently, we’ll get to see what new rules are in place during Tuesday night’s episode.

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