Brie Larson is gearing up for her directorial debut. The Toronto International Film Festival announced on Tuesday that The Glass Castle actress has tried her hand behind the camera for Unicorn Store, a charming upcoming comedy about a young artist...and unicorns. After taking a job at a temp agency, the protagonist "starts receiving these very odd and intricate magical invitations that lead her to a place called the Store," Larson explained to Variety. "She learns she can get a unicorn, which has always been her dream since she was a kid. And it doesn’t cost anything, she just has to prove she’s worthy of it."
But, believe it or not, that may not be the most magical part. Vulture pointed out that the real gem has to do with, like most things do, Beyoncé. Specifically, Beyoncé's influence on one of the film's stars, Samuel L. Jackson.
"Sam was incredible!" Larson told Variety. "He found out I was directing and on the Kong set started begging for the job. Which is a very surreal experience and I have it on film to prove I’m not making this up. There’s a reason he’s one of the greatest and most successful actors of our time; he’s incredibly hardworking and creative and collaborative. He designed this character, everything down to the tinsel in his hair."
Tinsel hair? You heard correctly — and this is where Beyoncé comes in.
"I think he went to a Beyoncé concert and she had tinsel in her hair and he came back and said, 'I need that,'" she explained. "It’s incredible."
Details about the film, which premieres at TIFF next month, are still coming in, but as long as Brie Larson and Bey are involved (however tangentially), we're intrigued.