New York Times best-selling author and mother, Rachel Macy Stafford shared a heartfelt post on her blog's Facebook page, The Hands Free Revolution last week.
She shared the story about the friendship between her daughter and her best friend.
“I’ll never forget what my daughter said after her best friend was subjected to a racist comment on the school bus one afternoon,” Stafford wrote. “'I asked her if she was okay,’ my child said tearfully. ‘She didn’t say anything, so I just scooted closer.’ Reluctantly, she admitted, ‘I didn’t know what to do, Mama, so I just hurt with her.’
Stafford, who was taken by her daughter’s honest response, then re-emphasized possibly the most empathetic response one can have in a situation like this, “I hurt with her,” Stafford wrote. “It took me a moment to recover from that. I filed those powerful words away and continued observing this mighty pair.”
The Hands Free Mama author then gave readers a glimpse into the two young girls’ friendship. She discussed how they support one another through a number of challenges. Like more recently this summer when the two signed up for basketball camp, only to realize later on they were the only two girls who signed up. “I saw their initial shock when they realized they were the only two girls. Then I saw them fist bump. They played hard, they cheered each other on, they stayed close. As I dropped my daughter’s friend off on that final day of camp, my daughter said, ‘Thank you so much for going with me to that new camp. If you hadn’t been there, I don’t know what I would have done!’"
Then Stafford lays it on thick, “Her friend stopped, looked right into my daughter's face and said, “If you ever have to go to a new basketball camp, don’t worry. I will always go with you.”
Are you not tearing up yet? Seriously where is the screenplay for this adorable “mighty pair?”
Check out the rest of the heartwarming story below and maybe grab a tissue or two.