Newlyweds Recreate Their Parents' Wedding Photos & The Results Are Brilliant

Photo: Getty Images.
Couples often say their wedding day went by too fast. Decades later, many people don't remember the details of the day — all they have are the photos.
To honor these memories, three newlywed couples decided to recreate their parents' wedding photos from a generation ago, down to the outfits, decor, and historical details.
"It's the photo that was on my parents' nightstand since before I can remember," shares a newlywed named Jessica in a video produced by Glamour for Google Photos.
A major shift in her family's life inspired the project. Her brother, who had been living with their parents, passed away in 2016. "Now that they're building a house and they're starting kind of fresh, I thought what better way than to give them this gift of this picture?" she said.
Getting all the elements — the retro couch, the pose, her mom's dress and curls — just right wasn't easy for Jessica and her husband Obed, but Jessica's parents loved the results.
Photo: Screenshot.
For Shubh and Stephen, things were tough at first because when they initially met her parents had always assumed that she would marry someone who was Indian, like her family. Shubh's father passed away 20 years ago, when she was 12 years old.
"There's so much involved in an Indian wedding, so they've actually had one photo where they're both looking at the camera and together," Shubh says of her parents' photo. Her mother has come to accept Stephen — especially, as she jokingly said in the video, after seeing this recreation.
Photo: Screenshot.
Kristina was the maid of honor in her mom's second wedding to her stepdad, which was in 2000.
"When Kristina approached me with the idea to come and recreate her parents' wedding photo, I was pretty ecstatic," said her husband Michael.
Said Kristina's stepdad: "It's important to have pictures like this because the day goes by in a flash. It goes by so fast."
Photo: Screenshot.
Watch the process of the transformations and the interviews with the couples below.

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