After Bachelor In Paradise halted production temporarily in early June due to allegations of sexual misconduct, production reportedly took measures to provide a "safer workplace" for the people involved in the show. This included drink maximums (two per hour) and required on-camera consent for any intimate acitivity. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, contestants Jasmine Goode, Robby Hayes, and Danielle Lombard elaborate on how these rules affected filming — Lombard said she felt like a "little kid" because they were so closely chaperoned.
"You almost felt like a little kid," Lombard explained to THR. "You had to be sat down and told, 'Here are the rules, now you can all go play.'"
"I felt like we were being overly watched," Goode, who is currently involved with contestant Matt Munson on the show, added.
Goode impressed that the new rules were reassuring, though. "At the same time, it was giving you a sense of being safer. I’ve always felt safe in the environment, but it was nice to know that if anything, I knew that something would never happen to me. Whatever goes down, I would be OK knowing those rules were in place."
As for the drinking, Lombard said it made the contestants want to drink more — at only two drinks an hour, alcohol became the forbidden fruit. "We were so aware of the time and our restrictions. We wanted to maximize everything so every hour we were like, 'OK where's our shot? Did you guys take your shots yet?' And we would all drink," Lombard, a small business owner, explained. There may have been restrictions in place, but don't worry — "We all still got drunk and had fun," Lombard added.
When it came to consent, contestants were required to assent in front of the cameras if they wanted to engage sexually. Former contestant Vinny Ventiera told E! News in late June that this was a "buzzkill" of sorts, although it was a necessity. Lombard seemed to agree with Ventiera.
This is how the consent would happen, according to Lombard: "If I was on a date or talking back at the house with someone and felt like things were going to progress I had to say something like, 'Hey, are you consenting right now?'"
Lombard continued, "It definitely changed the mood of things. If you can imagine, you're having this physical chemistry with someone and you want things to progress, and then all of a sudden you have to be like, 'Hey, do you verbally consent to doing this?' It kind of kills the moment."
This kind of rhetoric surround consent is problematic — consent is an absolute necessity in any sexual endeavor, even when cameras aren't around, and requesting it shouldn't be a chore. Goode, for her part, disagreed with Lombard's sentiment.
"For me, it didn’t bother me," she said.
Hayes, the only man in the group interview, asked fellow contestant Amanda Stanton for consent to kiss her on the August 21 episode of the show. THR points out that Stanton politely declined. Hayes recognized in the interview that the on-camera consent might have played a factor in her dismissal, but that that could only be a good thing.
"Paradise made it a point to put it out there, and I made it a point to make it something that I asked Amanda," Hayes said."She jumped into things last year. It was just a giant makeout for her and so she wanted to take it slower and put her guard up more. So I asked, 'Can we have our first kiss tonight?' She wasn't ready for it, and I respect that. It's just the gentlemen antics. It's how I was raised."
Hayes is in the right except for one thing: It's not just "gentleman antics" — it should be human behavior 101.
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