Adam Levine Just Dissed The VMAs In A Truly Unnecessary Way

With Hurricane Harvey ravaging the Houston region at this very moment, the VMAs are taking place on a difficult night, during a particularly difficult political era. As a result, woven throughout tonight's VMAs have been the themes of positivity, unity, and acknowledgement of the the anxieties many Americans are currently experiencing. The VMAs' hosts and presenters have made a concerted effort to rally the audience around these issues. Host Katy Perry made a few stilted Trump jokes and prayed for the people of Houston, and presenter Paris Jackson denounced white nationalist movements.
So why, on a night shadowed by such grievous circumstances, would Adam Levine feel the need to harshly critique the VMAs' technical glitches? Yet that's just what he did.
With a hefty dollop of smarminess, Levine tweeted, "It's always exciting to see how utterly horrible the VMAs will be. They really delivered so far this year."
Levine proceeded to specify what he meant by "utterly horrible."
"Julia Michaels gets cut off while she's singing and Lorde gets to NOT sing her whole song," he tweeted.
Granted, Levine was technically correct: Julia Michaels' performance of "Issues" was unfortunately cut short, and Lorde didn't sing the entirety of "Homemade Dynamite" — though she did do a great job of prancing. Likely, Lorde chose to lip synch some of her performance because she came to the VMAs with a highly inconvenient case of the flu.
Instead of applauding Jackson's inspiring political invective or giving shoutouts to the night's slew of incredible performances, Levine is probably spending the night twirling in his red spinning chair from The Voice, stroking his mustache and waiting for technical difficulties to tweet about.
So, Adam, we ask you to simmer down. We ask you to put the VMAs in perspective. Lorde has the flu, and the VMAs' presenters are doing their best to shape the awards into an empowering evening amid hard times. Even if their jokes (well, just Katy Perry's) are cheesy, we appreciate the VMAs' positive messages way more than his negative one.
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