Someone Unearthed A The Devil Wears Prada Deleted Scene & It Changes The Entire Movie

Photo: Barry Wetcher/20th Century Fox/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock.
It's been over 10 years since Anne Hathaway starred in The Devil Wears Prada, but it's common knowledge that Meryl Streep pretty much stole the show. The acclaimed actress played Miranda Priestly, the strict, stoic editor-in-chief of a fictional, Vogue-like fashion magazine. Most of the movie centers around the relationship between Miranda and Hathaway's character, Andy. They're at odds all the way until the end of the film, when Andy ditches the overbearing job, leaving Miranda in the dust. To this day, people are divided about how to feel about Miranda, but it's safe to say that, for any skeptics out there, this deleted scene changes everything.
"I'm just seeing this deleted scene from The Devil Wears Prada for the first time, and honestly it changed the whole movie for me," tweeted Spencer Althouse, the community manager at BuzzFeed, along with the discarded clip from the film.
Before you watch, let's remember how this scene actually goes down: Late for her boyfriend's birthday, Andy is stuck with Emily at an event with Miranda for the sole purpose of feeding their boss the names of the people she's schmoozing with, and any other important information. The whole thing is relatively uneventful until Emily slips up, totally forgetting the name of a guest, allowing Andy to swoop in. We see Andy slowly making her way into the good graces of Miranda, and then the scene is over.
But here's what could have happened:
Doesn't this add a whole new layer to Miranda's character? A douchey husband, a career that hinges on her image, and the implosion of the two makes her a whole lot more sympathetic, and other people on Twitter agree:
"Whole. Other. Film," one user replied.
"Why wasn't this in the movie?!?" asked another.
However, other people thought the decision to cut it was a good one.
"No wonder they deleted it," a fan wrote. "Undermined Miranda's whole ice queen narrative."
"Miranda's character was already softened compared to the book," another explained. "This would have been a total departure on every conceivable level."
Plus, a later scene in the movie, when Andy overhears Miranda fighting with her husband, does accomplish something similar. That being said, it's crazy to think about what could have been.

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