Kim Kardashian: North West Would Be A Better President Than Trump

Photo: Mike Coppola/Getty Images.
Kim Kardashian is getting political. When celebrities of her caliber speak out on societal issues, they can often be met with a lot of contention for fans. The reality star recently experienced this while trying to defend a YouTuber's racially insensitive comments. Kardashian admits to Harper's Bazaar that she has censored herself in the past in fear of the internet's vitriol. But she's not doing that anymore.
“Sometimes I feel like I want to speak out more about political issues,” she confessed to the magazine. “You have to be really careful about what you say, because a lot of things can be taken in the wrong context and I always want to be respectful, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”
At the same time, there's a certain person whose feelings she doesn't mind hurting.
“Not the President now. Anyone can run the US better. My daughter would be better,” she says in all seriousness.
In this political climate, celebrities are really starting to show their true colors. It's no longer enough to be apolitical. So, Kim Kardashian is setting the record straight about her own views.
“I said once before that I’m not really a feminist,” Kardashian recalls. “But I feel I do a lot more than people that claim that they’re feminist. To clarify what I said before: I feel in my soul I’m a feminist. I just don’t need labels to make me feel or know what I am inside.”
As long as Kardashian's actions back up her words, we support whatever she wants to label herself as. Perhaps without even realizing, Kim Kardashian has become a sex-positive icon for many women and her charitable donations, like giving a combined $500,000 to Harvey relief with her family, proves she can back it up.
Maybe Kim Kardashian's impact on her North West will actually inspire the toddler to become president one day. North West 2048?
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