Sean Spicer Couldn't Leave The White House Without One Final Gaffe

You still remember Sean Spicer, right? The former press secretary resigned from his role in the Trump administration mid-July (even though it feels like he quit a million years ago.) Since then, CNN reports Spicer "filled his last four weeks with exploring his next move and wandering the halls of the West Wing." He also got to meet the Pope — finally.
His last official day in the White House was Thursday, when his former colleagues threw him a party to bid him adieu. And naturally, his farewell email had one glaring typo, bringing his gaffe-filled tenure as press secretary full circle.
Spicer started his email by saying it had been "the honor of a lifetime" to serve President Trump and the American people during his time in the White House. But when it came to thanking his colleagues and the Trump administration, he wrote that he "would not have been able to my job without the amazing team the President has assembled."
Yes, even in his farewell email, Spicer made a mistake: This time, he missed the crucial "do" in the phrase "would not have been able to my job."
Of course, some eagle-eyed Twitter users caught the typo. The collective feeling was, This is so Spicer.
The former press secretary also posted a photo of the party with several key members of the Trump administration, including his successor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. He wrote, "THANK YOU @realDonaldTrump, @DanScavino @Scavino45, @PressSec @SarahSanders, @MikeDubke & #JoeHagin. Keep MAKING AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN!"
Spicer resigned over a month ago in protest, after President Trump appointed Anthony Scaramucci as White House communications director. (The Mooch was out 10 days later.)
It's unclear what's next for the former Trump staffer, immortalized as "Spicey" on Saturday Night Live. Will he go back to politics? Will he write a book? Will he be a contestant in a future season of Dancing With The Stars? Only time will tell.
We'll see you when we see you, Spice.

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