Sometimes the internet brings people together. There are GoFundMe drives to assist people who get stuck in a window, apps that can authenticate designer bags, and Chrissy Teigen's Twitter account. Unfortunately, this video is definitely one of the more divisive things we've seen recently.
It's a video mashup of Game of Thrones and Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do." In it, the citizens of Westeros sing out Swift's already-eponymous clapback jam. All the usual suspects are there: the Starks, the Lannisters, and a surprise appearance by the first Daario Naharis.
The mashup makes sense, given that many characters presumably have a lot of feelings about their enemies. And the whole underpinning of "Look What You Made Me Do" is about turning a mirror on your criticism, real or perceived. We can think of a lot of Game of Thrones characters who'd like to say "maybe I got mine/but you'll all get yours." Like, for example, Sansa Stark's smile as she listen to Ramsey Bolton being eaten alive by his own bloodthirsty hounds.
Even some long-dead characters get into the karaoke groove. Joffrey, Shae, and King Robert Baratheon all sing a part of the song. Ros and Margaery Tyrell also make an appearance — two characters who deserved so, so much better.
Video creator Matthijs Vlot has made a few other video mashups, but this one is something else. One thing is true: even our friends in Westeros listen to popular music. "Look What You Made Me Do" has skyrocketed up the Billboard Hot 100 charts from its debut at #77 to #1, where it knocked "Despacito" off its near record-breaking 16-week stay at the top. Taylor Swift has come for the #1 throne. We can definitely see Cersei blasting this song while she's getting dressed in the morning.
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