Playing Trump Is Like "Birth Control" For Alec Baldwin

Photo: Buckner/Variety/REX/Shutterstock.
Donald Trump finally won an Emmy! Well, sort of. Alec Baldwin earned an award for his portrayal of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live. The actor joked during his acceptance speech that playing Donald Trump had been an awful lot like taking birth control. You see, during the three years preceding Baldwin's debut impression on Saturday Night Live, Baldwin had a child per year. Then, when he began regularly appearing on the show, the babymaking streak ceased.
"I guess I should I say, at long last, Mr. President, here is your Emmy," Baldwin began. "My wife and I had three children in three years and we didn't have a child last year during the SNL season."
He added, "I wonder if there's a correlation there."
Hm. Perhaps there is? If you're performing a crude impression of our current president on television each week, you might have trouble, er, babymaking.
Baldwin continued, "You put that orange wig on, it's birth control. Trust me."
Host Stephen Colbert begun the show by mocking Donald Trump's bitter campaign to win an Emmy. No surprises here: The Apprentice never won an Emmy, and 45 is still mighty upset about it. In fact, he's so upset about it, that when Hillary Clinton brought it up during a debate, he muttered under his breath that he "still hadn't won." (Colbert argued that perhaps if he'd won the Emmy, he might not have run for president.)
Read the bitterness for yourself:
On a 2015 episode of The Celebrity Apprentice, Trump said, "I got screwed out of an Emmy. Everybody thought I was gonna win it. In fact, when they announced the winner, I stood up before the winner was announced. And I started walking for the Emmy. And then they announced the most boring show on television, The Amazing Race. Piece of crap."
Clearly, this guy knows how to forgive and forget. Maybe now that Baldwin's won, he'll back off?
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