A Game Of Thrones Prequel Is In Development & OMG

Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
Great news for Game of Thrones fans: we're not leaving Westeros any time soon. While we're still bumming about having to wait till potentially 2019 to see the final episodes of the hit HBO series, we can rest easy knowing that there is plenty more dragon drama headed our way.
We previously reported that HBO was considering more material from the Song of Ice and Fire universe, on which Game of Thrones is based on. George R.R. Martin, author of the source novels, even mused that is Dunk & Egg novella series would be the most natural fit.
Now, we have confirmation that HBO is definitely planning a new spinoff. The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that George R.R. Martin himself will have a hand in planning the series, and it will be developed by Bryan Cogman. Cogman is a co-executive producer on Game of Thrones, and he wrote several episodes of the show.
It's rumored that this is only one of five spinoffs that are in the works at HBO. Honestly, we'll take all the Game of Thrones shows that HBO wants to show us. Martin had an amazing thought when asked what these spinoffs could be about. "There is certainly no lack of material. Every episode of The Naked City — one of the television shows I watched as a kid — ended with a voice-over: ‘There are eight million stories in the naked city. This has been one of them.’ There are eight million stories in Westeros as well … and even more in Essos and the lands beyond. A whole world full of stories, waiting to be told… if indeed HBO is interested.”
We hope HBO is interested, because there's a giant audience who will happy to see more dragons on TV.

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